At the infants today, the children looked fabulous in their World Book Day costumes. The buzz of excitement as they caught sight of their friends and teachers dressed up was delightful. Each class has had the opportunity to attend our World Book Day Reading Cafe, where they had a taste of some new books for the class library. They enjoyed a drink and a biscuit at our refreshment station and enjoyed some time sharing their books with their friends. We also had a voting station- where the children had the opportunity to make their choice about which book would be shared at the end of the reading cafe session. The children had a spin of the reading challenge tombola as they left- so will be bringing a reading challenge token home with them. The staff all chose a book that they would like to share and the children enjoyed choosing which book they would like to go and listen to before they went to lunch. We really want to encourage reading for pleasure at school and at home and the children have had a wonderful time today! The children will all be coming home with their World Book Day token. Happy Reading, everyone!
To celebrate World Book Day, Fresh Start, our lunch-time caterers had hidden one lucky Golden Ticket on a plate and Noah in Year One was the lucky winner. Fresh Start awarded a book to Noah.