Patterns in our Life- a prayer by Year 5
Please click here to read the Year 5 prayer
Please click here to read the Year 5 prayer
Please click here to watch May dancing
Please click here to read the Year 6 Prayer Integrity
I am so proud of Year 6 and the Year 5s who took part in the Mandeville School Year 6 Games. They represented the school with motivation, determination and team spirit. Each participated in one of six sports: netball, football, hockey, tag rugby, end zone and handball. A special well done to the hockey [...]
As Wednesday morning started there was a palpable ripple of excitement across the Junior site, as Mr Heard's drumming pupils performed at our annual assembly. We were wowed by rock songs, from '80's hit 'Eye of the Tiger' to 'Imagine Dragons'. A mixture of y4-y6 pupils have worked hard, through the expert tuition of [...]
Click here to read our Year 1 prayer - How can I help others?
Well, the summer term is half way through and gardening club have been incredibly busy. We have planted tomatoes, sunflowers and peas and have had some generous donations of sweet peas, nasturtiums, sunflowers and lobelia from Rachel, our 'green-fingered' midday supervisor. The children have enjoyed making a trellis for the sweet peas and the [...]
Please click here to read: Who can help us- prayer by year 2
Years 5 and 6 enjoyed a visit from Maia and Marianne, Senior Ecologists from Eco-consult, who gave an informative talk about UK wildlife, focusing on Bats. Later we enjoyed a carousel of activities including: the moth life cycle, researching and identifying animal tracks, making a bat mobile and how to identify a bird from [...]
Congratulations to our school football team from years 5 and 6. Having played eight matches over the season they have been crowned joint league winners. This is a fantastic achievement for our small school and couldn't have been achieved without the dedication of coach Mr Messenger and sports lead Mrs Brogan; and of course [...]