Cuddington & Dinton Church of England School  |  t: 01844 291206|

Mrs Wilde

About Mrs Wilde

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So far Mrs Wilde has created 267 blog entries.

World Book day @Infants

2023-03-03T15:12:36+00:003rd March, 2023|Foundation, Home, News, Year 1, Year 2|

Our pupils created wonderful 'Book in a box...Book in a jar...Book in a cake' to celebrate World Book Day.  We are so impressed with the creativity of the work produced! In the afternoon, the children enjoyed stories read by all staff followed by working collaboratively to design a character. From our photographs, can you [...]

Mandeville Sports Partnership Junior Gymnastic Competition

2023-03-02T16:57:01+00:002nd March, 2023|Home, News, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6|

On Thursday 2nd March we took part in the yr3, 4, 5 and 6 gymnastics competition at Stoke Mandeville stadium. The children were fantastic, encouraged each other and had a wonderful time. Thank you to the parent’s who helped with lifts and came to support. Congratulations to our Year 5 and 6 team who [...]

Football and Netball News

2023-02-06T10:34:59+00:002nd February, 2023|Home, News, Year 5, Year 6|

Girl’s Football: On Friday 27th January, we played Turnfurlong school. Sadly we lost 4-1, but the children played an excellent game and scored our first goal of the season.  Well done Zoe-Praise for being nominated 'Player of the Match,' by the opposition and well done Bella for 'Player of the Match,' nominated by Mrs Brogan and [...]

Can you guess the Wonder of the World?

2023-02-02T16:12:48+00:002nd February, 2023|Home, News, Year 4|

This week we asked Year 4 to research the Wonders of the World as a link to their Geography and RE learning. The children clearly enjoyed researching and presenting their work in a variety of interesting ways. One pupil chose to build the Colosseum out of custard creams. Such an inspired idea! [...]

School Council Headteacher Interview Questions

2023-01-27T11:01:49+00:0027th January, 2023|Home, News|

School Council Questions We would like to share the wonderful question our Junior School Council prepared and asked our headteacher candidates during the interview selection process.  Mrs Price and the staff team are very proud of how they conducted their interviews.

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