Children in Need FUNdraising!
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Foundation class had a fun-packed week of learning and making memories. Miss Webb reported: The focus has been: How birthdays are celebrated in different families. We worked together to plan and create a party for Sam, our class puppet. Mrs Smith transformed our role play area into a fantastic party shop which has proved [...]
Introducing the new Infant site School Council representative who were voted in by their classmates. Congratulations to you all!
Foundation Class created their own books this week, filled with writing a pictures about their learning. Miss Webb and Mrs Wilde were particularly impressed with Molly, Luna, Harry and Ruby who held their pencils correctly to draw and used phonics to help them to label their pictures. What a fantastic effort! [...]
Our new Foundation Class have enjoyed their first ever Collective Worship. Sitting beautifully in rows, they clapped and cheered their friends reciening Star of the Week awards for kindness, trying their best and demonstrating the school value of love.
Poems for Mrs Price
On Thursday 6th July, we held the Infant annual Sports Day. The weather was fantastic and the children preformed with determination, teamwork and resilience. Well done to the Blue house for coming first. Thank you to all the staff who helped, the parents that attended, and the pupils for performing to the best of their ability. [...]
We took part in the Spirited arts competition held by NATRE (National Association for the Teachers of Religious Education) with the theme: Where is God? A picture, along with the written commentary, was chosen to represent each class and will be entered into the competition. Congratulations to our chosen artists: a collaborative piece by [...]
Today the infant site has been answering the question, 'Where is God today?' through artwork. First, we experimented with a range of materials to help us decide what we would like to use. Then, we created our design. Once we were happy with our design, and we had chosen what materials we'd like to [...]
The eve of the Coronation of King Charles 111, F4CADS held a cake sale for all to enjoy. Thank you to the parents who baked wonderful themed cakes (some future Bake Off stars here), the children and parents who made such enthusiastic customers; and of course the F4CADS team who organised and ran the [...]