Cuddington & Dinton Church of England School  |  t: 01844 291206|

Autumn Term – Magical Me

Welcome to the Foundation Stage! A really warm welcome to you and the children.  

For the first three weeks the children will be settling into the routine of school. Starting school is a really big change for the children, so please expect them to be tired during this time. The children will be gradually learning the new routines and expectations, so that we do not overwhelm them too soon. We begin by teaching the children to use the indoor and outdoor environments to enable them to access everything they need independently. We have a rolling snack which they can access themselves. We are working on building good relationships with the children and helping them to make friends and try new activities. The children will learn the routine for lunch which will again, help them to become more independent. PE will begin on the first full week and will be on a Monday afternoon and a Wednesday afternoon. The children will be shown and taught step by step how to get ready. We would ask that you help prepare your children for this, by practising getting changed at home independently and learning handy tricks like how to turn a jumper back, so that it is not inside out. We have an hour for PE, but initially spend lots of that time practising getting changed into our PE clothes and then putting our school uniform back on. Your help with this would be appreciated. Please name all items of clothing, bookbags, hats and water bottles as it becomes very difficult for us and the children if they cannot identify their own belongings.  We also ask that wellies and a mud suit be provided to allow us to get out in all weather and to use the areas such as the mud kitchen.  


The children have been organised into Owl Groups- Snowy Owls, Eagle Owls, Tawny Owls and Barn Owls. This is purely for making transition times quicker. E,g, Tawny Owls, please line up. 


The children will be issued a wordless book at the end of the second week- there will be an information sheet in the reading diary about how to use these books with your children. Please write a comment, so we know your child has read. The children will also choose a library book to bring home. Please enjoy sharing these with your children. Book change will be on a Friday- please ensure books and reading diaries are in the book bags. We cannot issue new books until the old book has been returned. 


Our topic for this half term is ‘Magical Me’ which focuses on how special we all are, who is in our family, where we live and the local environment. We will spend time learning about our bodies and using our senses to find out about the world around us. 

Miss Webb

Early Years Foundation Stage Aims

At Cuddington and Dinton C of E School, our aim within the Early Years Foundation Stage is to nurture the well-being, learning and development of all our children and empower them to shine as individuals. We provide a happy, safe and stimulating environment, which allows all children to feel secure and valued. We provide a supportive and secure environment in which every child can flourish and learn at their own pace, in their own individual way, through adult directed and child-initiated activities.

Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum Intent

Children in our Early Years phase follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum, which consists of seven areas of learning. Our curriculum enables every child to have access to a broad, balanced and engaging learning experience, through a variety of opportunities and experiences, which prepares them now and for the future schooling. Following personal interests and individual needs, allows us to plan and provide opportunities throughout our early years’ curriculum to support learning and development and help children achieve their next steps.

At the end of our Foundation stage we have 5 key aims that all children will learn and develop to ensure that they become effective learners throughout their time at Cuddington and Dinton School.

  1. To become safe and considered risk takers. Children will be able to challenge themselves physically and mentally.
  2. To become able communicators. Children will develop their ability to take turns, share and communicate themselves positively with others.
  3. To become confident readers. To confidently blend and segment words and use a rich vocabulary.
  4. To become confident at using a computer. Children will begin to use a desktop confidently in order to access key software such as Microsoft Word.
  5. To become active learners. Children will develop their growth mind set and believe in themselves. They will understand that it is okay if things go wrong.

Foundation News

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