A school uniform is an important part of our school identify and helps promote your child’s sense of belonging and community. There are no trends to follow nor is there pressure to be ‘fashionable’ if everyone is wearing the same thing. Having a set uniform to wear every day can reduce any anxieties about having to look a certain way to fit in.
A uniform helps promote good behaviour. Essentially, it helps put children in the right headspace for school. When they are wearing school clothing, they know there are certain expectations in place.
- Key items* can be purchased from our school uniform supplier: Bucks Schoolwear Plus, based in Aylesbury and online.
- My Clothing, online supplier.
- F4CADS hold preloved sales, details below.
Items without a school logo may be purchased from any supplier.
Please name all items of school clothing
Winter Uniform
White shirt or blouse
School tie*
Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore dress
Navy blue school jumper or cardigan*
Grey or white socks or tights
Black Shoes (not boots)
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Summer Uniform
White school polo shirt*
Grey tailored shorts or skirt
Navy and white checked dress
Navy blue school jumper or cardigan*
Grey or white socks
Black Shoes or sandals (not open-toed)
Summer Uniform
Other items
School basketball cap* or similar summer hat
Infants- school book bag* with school logo
Juniors- plain navy or black rucksack*
- water bottle
Pupils may add one keyring to their school book bag to help with easy identification.
Jewellery should not be worn at school. Governors cannot accept liability for loss, or any accidents caused by jewellery. Pupils may wear a small watch analogue or digital watch. If a child has recently had their ears pierced they may wear small stud earrings for six weeks only. The studs must be covered for PE. After this period, earrings must not be worn in school.
For reasons for safety and hygiene if a child's hair is longer than shoulder length it needs to be tied up. If a fringe covers their eyes, please clip it back or wear a hairband.
Children are not permitted to have dyed hair, with the exception of 'crazy hair' fundraising day. Medical advice states that prepubescent children should not have their hair permed, as the chemicals may permanently damage their hair structure.
We strongly discourage haircuts which involve shaving patterns or emblems in the hair.
Sports Kit
For PE pupils wear: a gold t-shirt and blue fleece with the school logo; these are available from our uniform supplier. In addition to this, pupils wear blue shorts in the summer and navy jogging bottoms when the weather is cooler. Pupils may also wear a navy, unbranded sweatshirt and require black or white trainers with sports socks. Items without a logo may be purchased from a variety of stores.
Gold t-shirt*
Plain navy shorts
Black or white plain trainers
Plain navy sweatshirt (not hooded) or school navy fleece*
Plain navy tracksuit bottoms
Navy blue school drawstring PE bag*
Swimming is an important part of the school curriculum. Our year 2 and year 3 pupils have swimming lessons for a term. When swimming children either wear a swimsuit (not bikini) or trunks (not swim shorts), ideally these are as plain as possible. The swimming instructors do not encourage excessive swimming clothing. Pupils must have a swimming hat and written permission if they wish to wear swimming goggles.
For netball and football matches against other schools, there is a school kit which is provided for the event.
Pre-loved Uniform - F4CADS
The Friends for Cuddington and Dinton School (F4CADS) run a termly second hand uniform shop throughout the year. The shop will be advertised via Parentmail or school newsletters.
Families are encouraged to donate their outgrown school clothing, which is sold as pre-loved with the funds raised going straight back to fund school projects to benefit our pupils.