On Thursday, Yana, Gen and Rosie experienced the Chiltern Railways celebration event after winning at school on an engineering day. They made a rabbit model train that was remote controlled, it could move on its own, backwards and forwards. They had an interview, with an engineer, about how the mechanism worked and what happened in the process of designing the train. As part of the competition, they had to complete a straight-line test where the train had to move in a line without curving. Unfortunately, it moved slightly off the course (but only slightly!). Then there was a test where the train must go on model train tracks and pull a cart all the way to the other side, our team received 10 marks out of 20. Finally, we all gathered around, there were a few categories that you could win in; we won a communication award which we were very happy with.

Thank Mrs Bowman and Mrs Clifton for taking us to the Chiltern Railways Primary Engineering event.

By Genevieve, Rosie and Yana